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TOP 10 Easy to Follow Weight-Loss Tips

We all know that getting in shape takes some patience and hard work. And for some people especially those people who are born to be mesomorphs, this is not enough for them to lose-weight. Sometimes, sweating it all out in the treadmill or by jogging or even by lifting heavy weights in the gym is not enough to help you achieve that perfect body you’ve always dreamed of, therefore, one must need to adjust his or her lifestyle in order to obtain a perfect lean body that girls and men are craving for.

We picked the tips that everyone can follow to help you change your lifestyle and guide you to get fit, fast!


SET GOALS. This one crucial because you need to monitor your weight and will keep you motivated throughout the process. But set goals in a realistic way as failures to achieve a goal will lead to depression and most probably will end up to your plates. It is advisable to have at least a weight reduction of half a pound to two pounds per week.


KEEP TRACK. It is important to keep track of your weight because it will keep you motivated to challenge yourself, thus pushing yourself to its limit to double up your progress.


MOTIVATE YOURSELF. As you trim down your weight, your body leads to a plateau where your progress starts to slow down and this is where depression comes in. When a person on diet notices that he or she doesn’t lose any pound of weight anymore, he tends to stop his diet and go over again with his old lifestyle. Prevent this by watching bodybuilding training movies, or by posting a picture of a model who has your dream body. Or, you may hang your big old pants in the kitchen or anywhere in the house where it will remind you of your past.


AVOID HUNGER Never let your stomach to rumble. Never do a crash diet as this will lead you to some serious health problems, most probably ulcer. Eat 5-6 small meals per day to keep you full and satisfied throughout the day. Eat foods that are high in protein and fiber. They are your bestfriends.


EXERCISEMove your body! This will accelerate your progress in your journey to your perfect body. It will tone down your body and will give you lean muscles. Always remember that diet comes hand in hand with exercise. A simple 30-minute jogging three times a week will do.


AFTER 8 IS TOO LATE! As we sleep, our body tends to slow down our metabolism, thus, if we were able to eat loads of food during dinner and midnight snacks, this will be stored as fat. Believe me, they are hard to remove once they are in. It is necessary to control your food during dinner especially carbohydrates, they are easily stored as fats. Always remember this, Eat Breakfast like a King and Sleep like a Pauper at night. 


HYDRATE YOUR BODY. Drinking 2 glasses of water before eating your meals will greatly help in your satiety. This will help in making you to feel full easier.


DINE OUT BUT NOT TO PIG OUT. We cannot deny the fact that eating outside will ruin our most precious diets. But if you have control over your hunger and appetite. You will enjoy ever food outside at the right time and at the right moment.


SLEEP. Study shows that people who are deprived from sleeping tends to eat more. Thus, certain hormones are increased that affects these people’s satiety over the day.


REWARDS. Give yourself a break over a week long of tight diet. Besides, a piece or two of your favorite cookie will not greatly affect your diet. But, don’t forget not to PIG OUT!



Start Now! You will never get your perfect body by just reading this article. Start now and forget about stating tomorrow. If you’ll always say that you’ll start tomorrow, that tomorrow will never come. So what are you waiting for? Go out and move our body!


Exercise and eating less are the common ways to lose weight, but hey! not everybody are successful by just doing those. So what can be done further to help us lose more weight, to speed up metabolism and achieve our goals?

With this question in my mind, I was encouraged to write up an article concerning this matter to help you guys out. The following are my top 5 Diet Tips to make you more determined and help you lose more weight.

Tip#1: Drink plenty of Water

Sometimes, we tend to get confused between being hungry and thirsty. Therefore, it is necessary for us to assess if we are really hungry or not. As a result, you’ll just add extra calories in your diet when a glass of water is all you really need.

Tip#2: Be choosy on the foods you eat.

You don’t need to take away the foods that you want, because all you really need is to be conscious in what you eat. Checking on to the nutritional facts should help in decreasing your calorie intake. With these you won’t be needing and should be thinking about diet pills. When you know what you should eat, you’ll do great.

Tip#3: Enjoy your favorite foods

As a normal human being, we have our own tongue for foods, we have our own preferences and therefore, we have our own favorite foods. Losing weight should not be a hindrance in enjoying these stuffs, because if you take away those foods in your diet, it will result in “rebound” overeating and you’ll definitely gain weight. Set a day for this, (e.g sunday) and eat in moderation, others call this as “cheat days”. Wherein you actually eat the foods you’re craving for. In this way, you still get to experience the foods that you love and you’ll avoid cravings too. BUT!! NEVER FORGET TO EAT IN MODERATION! MODERATION, MODERATION,  I repeat MODERATION. It’s the key pointer at achieving a good diet plan.

REMEMBER: A healthy diet is when you can still experience what you love to eat while still getting in shape.

Tip#4: Know what to eat

Eating less but not knowing what are the contents of what you eat will not help you at all. Nowadays, foods are offered in low calorie, or even fat-free. But we do not notice the amount of sugar present in the food. The food may be fat-free but the sugar content is compensated. As a result, these sugars will eventually turn into fats. Moreover, Studies show that eating 4-5meals in a day will help in control weight and appetite. The last meal should be dinner and the amounts you eat should be enough to make you satisfied but not full. As a rule of thumb, eating a like king in the morning and eating like a pauper in the evening. If you still have questions about healthy diet. Please check on my I’m a Vegan page.


Tip#5: Exercise and be active!

Many of us feel that exercise and going to the gym is a punishment. In result, people tend to be negative, afraid and lazy to exercise in the gym or at home. Instead of thinking negatively, be physically active, try to think positive, be optimistic and focus. Motivate yourself by reading magazines and watching videos in youtube that may inspire you to do more. I promise you, in the end, you’ll feel great and satisfied.